Oxford City footballer Shaun Wimble has spoken of a crash in which he and two fellow players were trapped, escaping just before their car caught fire.

Shaun WimbleNick McCrae was driving team-mates Mr Wimble and Chris Organ to training when the accident happened around 6.15pm on Tuesday night.

Their car crossed the road and hit a tree after Mr McCrae swerved to avoid a broken-down vehicle on the A420 near Faringdon.

All three were trapped until Mr Wimble managed to kick out a window. They managed to scramble out, helped by a motorist who stopped at the scene.

Minutes later, the car burst into flames.

An ambulance, which happened to be passing, took Mr Organ to the Princess Margaret Hospital, Swindon, where he was treated for a fractured eye socket, a broken nose and facial injuries.

Mr Wimble, who suffered knee ligament damage, and Mr McCrae, who was kept in hospital overnight with severe concussion before being released yesterday, followed in another ambulance. Both are recovering at home.

Mr Wimble said: "I'm still in shock. I was OK yesterday, but today it has really started to sink in.

"It was frightening. We are all relieved to have got out alive.

"Chris tried to get out but he couldn't because the seat had gone forward in the crash. I managed to kick the window out.

"A man on his way to Oxford stopped to help us. Then we all piled out."

Mr Wimble, who lives in Swindon, said he had not thought about playing football yet.

He added: "I spoke to Paul Lee (City's manager) and he told me the club would do all it could to help us.

"I am so glad we have come out of this alive. It has not been a particularly good year for me. A couple of weeks ago, two of our friends from Swindon were involved in a crash on the M4.

"Hopefully, things can now get better."