More county council staff are going green and walking, cycling or taking public transport to work.

Just a quarter of workers employed at county council offices in Oxford city centre complete their journeys by car, according to a survey. Nationally, 73 per cent of workers drive to work.

County council environment officers are delighted that the green message is getting through, but want to improve the figures by persuading county councillors and council staff in other parts of the city and county to leave their cars at home.

The survey involved 800 staff at County Hall, Speedwell House, Macclesfield House, the Central Library, Albion House and Rewley Road fire station.

It revealed that the majority of staff use park-and-ride. The information will be used to create a staff travel plan.

The council's environ-mental committee heard on Wednesday that officers were examining ways of further reducing car use at all local authority sites across the city.

Rachel Gover, the council's Travelwise Officer, said: "Good as our figures are, we recognise that the majority of our colleagues actually work in schools, care homes, fire stations and libraries throughout the county, where it is much harder to reduce car use.

"No organisation of similar complexity has yet developed a travel plan that covers all sites but we are working hard to find solutions that mean we can reduce car use further."