Oxford's good race relations have helped prevent racist violence in the wake of the terrorist atrocities in America.

Across the UK, Asians have been targets for abuse and attacks as anti-Muslim feelings rise in the wake of the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington.

But police say incidents have been few and far between in Oxford.

Some taxi drivers and children have been subjected to racial abuse but no violent attacks have taken place.

Oxford police say they have had fewer than half a dozen reports of racial incidents.

In north Oxfordshire, only one case of racially aggravated behaviour has been reported, when four white men abused a non-Muslim Asian woman.

But police are meeting members of the Asian community tonight to discuss their fears. Naiz Mohammed, who chairs the Oxford Attock Association, which represents Asian taxi drivers, said: "This meeting is important in bringing people together to seek a collective response and understanding of what has happened in America, but also what is happening around the world."

Before tonight's meeting, at the Asian Cultural Centre in Manzil Way, east Oxford, Chief Inspector Mark Millar said police had been "in constant touch" with Muslim leaders.

Fazal Hussain, chairman of the Bath Street mosque in St Clements, Oxford, said he had heard complaints about verbal abuse. He said: "It's one of these things you can't stop. You have to be patient and use your common sense and shouldn't exaggerate it. In general terms the situation has been good in Oxford. "