A public inquiry into dumping of waste at an Oxford golf course has been postponed to allow talks on a compromise deal to be struck with the county council.

The hearing into the alleged breach of planning permission at Hinksey Heights Golf Course, South Hinksey, had been due to take place yesterday, but has been delayed until January.

Chris Cousins, assistant director for land use planning at the county council, said talks were still taking place with the course's owners, and if a solution could be found, the public inquiry could be cancelled.

The council is also involved in a battle with the developer of Waterstock Golf Club near Wheatley over the dumping of tons of rubble. It wants Wyatt Brothers (Oxford) Ltd, to remove waste materials which it had deposited in an excavated lake.

The Waterstock case went to the Court of Appeal on Monday and a judgement is due in about a month.

The council is angry that landfill tax cannot be applied to materials used for constructing recreational facilities, including golf courses.