Families fighting an application for a Didcot Chinese takeaway to extend late opening scored a partial victory at a public inquiry.

Midway through the hearing at Crowmarsh on Thursday, a planning consultant representing William To of the New Beijing, in Wantage Road, said because of residents' concerns, he was now seeking only a half-hour instead of an hour's extension of opening times at weekends.

Mr To, who did not attend the inquiry, was appealing against a refusal by South Oxfordshire District Council to vary a planning condition permitting the New Beijing to stay open half-a-hour later, until 11pm from Monday to Thursday, and an hour later until 11.30pm on Fridays and Saturdays.

The council and residents objected because of problems with noise, traffic and litter.

Planning inspector Jennifer Vayse will now prepare a report for the Department of the Environment, which will announce its decision at a later date.