A retained firefighter who has given 33 years of service is to step down from his post.

Sub Officer Ian Hermon, based at Wantage fire station, in Ormond Road, is set to retire at the end of February.

The estate agent, of Charlton Road, Wantage, has reached the brigade's retirement age of 55. He is among three long-serving firefighters in the town who have been forced to leave in recent years.

Fred Holmes, of Naldertown, Wantage, retired in November last year after 35 years of service and George Crane, of Charlton Road, Wantage, stepped down in April 2000 after 35 years.

There are now vacancies for two retained firefighters in Wantage and three in Faringdon.

Station officer Steve Harrison, responsible for Wantage and Faringdon Fire Stations, said: "If a fire engine from Wantage is unable to respond because there are not enough retained firefighters, it will mean that a crew will have to travel from Didcot.

"We tend to be short of people who can be on call during the day.

"Anybody who feels they could provide day cover would be especially welcome."

Oxfordshire Fire Service is also keen to hear from women and people from ethnic minorities. To find out more about the fire service, contact Station Officer Harrison on 01235 523831. An application pack can be obtained by calling 0800 587 0870.