Sutton B stayed top of Division 1 of the Didcot and District League, despite slipping to a 6-4 defeat at the hands of their own A team.

Karl Bushell, of Sutton A, extended his six-year unbeaten run of 189 wins, bagging a maximum - his 64th in a row.

Bushell beat Tom Filmer in three to end Filmer's current 100 per cent record and put Sutton A 1-0 up, but Sutton fought back to lead 4-3, a comeback that included a win for Andy Packford over brother Ian.

But Bushell then beat Andy Packford 11-2, 11-4, 11-8, and Ian Packford inflicted another defeat on Filmer, before teaming up with Bushell to win the doubles.

Both teams have won ten, drawn one and lost one, but the B side have a better games score (94-26 for B compared with 93-27 for A).

In Division 2, a Tim Pett maximum for RAL C could not prevent promotion candidates Sutton D from recording a 7-3 victory.

Drayton B and Drayton C also won to remain in contention, with maximums from Dave Hudson and Matthew Davies respectively.

Two of the three teams in the running for promotion from Division 3 met at the Old Gaol, where Abingdon E reversed their early season loss against DPS D with a 6-4 success.

Steve Whale recorded a maximum for the home side.

The critical final singles saw Wayne Soanes beat Steve Andrews 12-10, 12-10, 13-15, 15-13 to clinch victory for Abingdon.

Wallingford returned to the top of Div 4 with a 9-1 win over a weakened RAL E team.


Div 1: DPS A 3, Abingdon A 7 (E Hardman 3, G Freeman 3); Sutton B 4, Sutton A 6 (K Bushell 3).

Div 2: RAL C 3 (T Pett 3), Sutton D 7; Howbery A 3, Drayton B 7 (D Hudson 3); Drayton C 8 (M Davies 3), Sutton F 2; Letcombe B 2, Abingdon B 8 (R Sym 3).

Div 3: Drayton E 5, Sutton H 5 (M Watts snr 3); Letcombe D 9, Howbery B 1; Abingdon D 3, Letcombe C 7 (R Diamond 3); Abingdon E 6 (S Whale 3), DPS D 4.

Div 4: Wallingford 9 (D Massey 3, J Smart 3), RAL E 1; RAL E 6, Drayton G 4 (R Carr 3).