The Crown House A trio of Ray Powell and brothers Andrew and Ian Packford are back in pole position in Oxford and District League Division 1 following a 7-3 victory over their B team clubmates.

However, they did not have it all their own way as Mark Newns comfortably won all his singles for the B team.

Third-placed Kidlington Forum A slipped up against lowly Morris Motors A as they could only manage a draw.

The first seven matches all went to five games and it was only a battling maximum from Forum's Jeremy Flint that rescued Forum from defeat.

Division 2's top two teams, Haddenham A and Morris Motors C came face to face on the Motors table.

Although Motors' captain Eamonn Deeley took his three singles and the doubles with Mario Lobell, his team still ended up losing 6-4.

Division 3 leaders Crown House C are looking unassailable following an 8-2 victory over Bicester B. Defender George Byles and the attacking Dave Gardner both chalked up maximums for Crown.

In Division 4, the match between Morris Motors E and Kidlington Forum G finished all square. The experienced John Joyce held Motors together by winning all his singles and the doubles.

Meanwhile, St James C moved into promotion territory in Division 4 following 6-4 and 8-2 victories over Holton D and Kidlington Forum G respectively, Mick Ford winning all six of his singles.


Div 1: Crown Hse A 7, Crown Hse B 3 (M Newns 3); Forum A 5 (J Flint 3), Morris Mtrs A 5; St James A 3 (A Bellinvia 3), Morris Mtrs B 7.

Div 2: Forum C 7, Vikings B 3 (P Borrowdale 3); Haddenham A 6, Forum C 4 (N Hughes 3); Morris Mtrs C 4 (E Deeley 3), Haddenham A 6.

Div 3: Bicester B 2, Crown Hse C 8 (G Byles 3, D Gardner 3).

Div 4: Morris Mtrs E 5 (J Joyce 3), Forum G 5; Forum G 2, St James C 8 (M Ford 3); St James C 6 (M Ford 3), Holton D 4.


St James E 1, Forum J 4 (M Stratton 2); Forum M 2, St James D 3 (P Guest 2); Forum L 1, Holton C 4 (P Grebenik 2); Holton C 5 (P King 2, P Grebenik 2), St James D 0; Holton B 3, Forum I 2 (D Simmons 2); Forum K 1, Bicester E 4 (N McKechnie 2); Forum J 0, Forum M 5 (L Gubbins 2, L Christer 2).


Lemons 5 (L Gubbins 2, L Christer 2), NJ 0; SPNB (P Norton 2, S Benwell 2) 5; All Stars 5 (L East 2, L Gubbins 2), Red Devils 0; Lemons 5 (L Christer 2, L Gubbins 2), All Stars 1; SPNB 4 (S Benwell 2, P Norton 2) 4; Humbugs 2 (J Courtney 2), Gruesome Twosome 3.

Oxford fall to Dudley A strong Oxford side of Karl Bushell (Forum), Mark Newns (Crown House) and Jeremy Flint (Forum) were beaten 7-3 by Dudley in a hard-fought Senior Midland League Division 1 match.

Bushell won two sets and Newns one for Oxford.

Meanwhile, Oxford's juniors maintained their 100 per cent Junior Midland League Division 2 record with a fine 9-1 victory at Coventry.

The match was not as one-sided as the scoreline suggests, with several sets being decided in the fourth or fifth game.

Greg Boone (Forum) won three to maintain his unbeaten record, while clubmate Sam Harrison also won three.

Anthony Weaver (Bicester) won two, while Boone and Harrison won the doubles.