Prime Minister Tony Blair's campaign to put UK businesses online has spread to Oxfordshire, with an invitation to small companies to attend a free seminar.

Ray Castell, the UKOnline adviser for Milton Keynes, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire, said: "Information technology opens up whole new vistas for businesses, from selling and buying on line to communicating more efficiently with customers, suppliers and employees. However, small business owners and managers often don't have the time to become IT experts, so we can help them through the maze."

The 90-minute seminar aims to take a "realistic view" of the resources available to small businesses and will provide information about grants to help small businesses develop their information technology or e-commerce capability.

The second seminar, Sales and Marketing over the Web, aims to lead participants from the creation of a basic brochure-style website through to a more complex version.

To book a place on the seminar on Thursday, February 28, at The Holt Hotel in Steeple Aston, call 0845 606 4466 or contact