Controversial plans for a 'banana-shaped' university leisure centre should be refused, according to city council officers.

The Oxford University Club wants to create a £4.5m centre for staff on playing fields in Mansfield Road.

Earlier this month, the city council's central area committee failed to reach a decision on plans for the centre after four councillors declared an interest, because of links with the university.

Mike Woodin (Green), Bill Baker (Lab), Colin Cook (Lab), and Tony Brett (Lib Dem) all declared an interest, leaving only three councillors eligible to vote -- an insufficient number, according to the council's constitution.

Now the four councillors are seeking legal advice to establish if they are entitled to take part in the deferred vote.

The application will be dealt with at the next meeting of the central area committee, on Tuesday, February 12, at the town hall, at 6pm.

Planning officer Murray Hancock said the council's legal adviser would be speaking to advise councillors whether they were eligible to vote.

He added: "Since the meeting, we have had a number of letters both for and against the application." Officers had recommended refusal on the grounds of overdevelopment, the proximity of the Master of Balliol's house, and the conservation area site.

The Oxford Preservation Trust, which has lodged an objection, described the glass-roofed structure as "banana-shaped with a hat on".