Bicester's long-term traffic problems can be solved only by building a bypass on the western side of the town, a district councillor believes.

Billy Evans, of Launton, does not think an improvement scheme to straighten out the narrow, winding Skimmingdish Lane on the eastern side of the town will help traffic flows as much as people hope. The scheme was due to begin next month.

He said: "Bicester still needs a bypass on the western side to complete the ring road. I decided to stay on Cherwell District Council longer than I originally planned, to argue the case for the bypass. I was re-elected in 2000."

Mr Evans wants the bypass to run diagonally from the Chesterton flyover on the A41 dual-carriageway to meet the Bicester to Middleton Stoney road at Howes Lane, which is the western boundary of the town.

He added: "Because I believe the bypass is needed, I support Cherwell's view that the majority of the town's future housing should be on the land between Bicester and Chesterton, which is called the south-west option."

Mr Evans envisaged that if the bypass was built, a new road would not be needed on the eastern side of town.

"This road would run from the Bicester to Buckingham road at the Stratton Audley turn, across RAF Bicester airfield, to join up with the improved Skimmingdish Lane.

He said: "We really need to think of the long-term implications for traffic in Bicester."

The future location of housing in Bicester is due to be debated at a planning inquiry scheduled for the autumn.