A man has been sentenced to 80 hours' community service for his part in a "disgraceful" confrontation with police officers.

Fred Butcher, 31, of Newlands Farm, Milton Road, Bloxham, admitted throwing stones at officers, shouting for someone to fetch a catapult and threatening a police sergeant.

Paul Mitchell, prosecuting, told Oxford Crown Court that trouble started during the early hours of March 10 last year at Smith's Caravan Site, Bloxham.

Officers were responding to a complaint by a taxi driver about a BMW car similar in description to a car owned by Butcher's sister.

When police and recovery men came to collect the car, Butcher said he would not allow them to take it away.

A group of 15 to 20 men then surrounded the officers, Butcher among them.

Missiles were thrown at officers, who used CS gas.

Peter Ross, defending, said his client knew that his sister's car had not been involved. He said Butcher had been drinking after hearing that his father, who had cancer, had a good chance of survival. However, his father has since died.

Mr Ross said Butcher believed that as his father was ill at the time, he was responsible for protecting his family.

"It was misguided and he accepts that," he said.

Judge Peter Clark said: "People were behaving like animals and that's a mild term. There was disgraceful behaviour towards police officers and civilians."

Butcher, whose partner is about to have their child, was also ordered to pay £474 prosecution costs. He had admitted a charge of threatening behaviour.