A woman is mounting a campaign to clear her street of dog mess and litter in time to stage a street party for the Queen's Jubilee celebrations.

Kate Bond, 42, is registered disabled and lives in Ashcombe Plasce, off Holloway Road, Witney.

She said: "I think the amount of dog mess and litter is disgusting. I am disabled and have to have daily help from care assistants. One of them stepped in a pile of dog mess the other morning and, unaware she had it on her shoes, brought it into my home."

Miss Bond, with the help of other residents, plans to hold a children's tea party this summer as part of the jubilee celebrations.

"But if the pavements and the green are mucky and littered with rubbish this will not be possible. I would like to ask dog walkers to clear up after their pets because it makes the pavements and grass so unpleasant.

"If we have a tea party I need to know that the grass will be clean and litter free for the picnic," she said.

West Oxfordshire District Council cabinet member Cllr George Kellow said: "The council is responsible for litter and we will clear it up.

"But it is the public who are responsible for creating it and we would ask them not to do so. People who allow their dogs to foul public places can be fined."