Councillors have defended the appointment of assistants who are paid out of the public purse.

They say they are vital to help them face ever-increasing workloads. But one critic argues that the workers should be paid by political parties, not council tax payers.

The ruling Liberal Democrats on the Vale of White Horse District Council are advertising for a political assistant to help councillors with their day-to-day responsibilities. The salary is between £19,770 and £21,971 and the fixed term appointment lasts until the end of July next year.

Martyn Spencer, of St Helen's Avenue, Benson, said that the appointment should be paid for by the Liberal Democrat Party.

He said: "Most council tax payers will, I think, consider such an appointment to be completely unnecessary and an unwanted burden on the district council's budget."

Mr Spencer also criticises the advertisement for demanding that candidates should be members of the Liberal Democrat party.

But council leader Paul Bizzell said: "It is not a political appointment and we make it clear that the person does not engage in political activities, although clearly we need someone who relates to our policies.

"The assistant is more an administrative person. They are a huge help to councillors of all political parties. Councillors are not full-time and many have other work."