A plaque in memory of nine-year-old hit-and-run victim Ross Doyle will be laid at the spot where he was killed, following a successful £650 appeal.

The money for the plaque was given by local businesses and private individuals, in response to the appeal by the Leys Residents' Association.

The plaque will be placed in Pegasus Road, Blackbird Leys, Oxford, where Ross was killed by the driver of a stolen car as he walked home from playing football with friends on December 13, 2000.

The target was reached with a £250 donation from the Oxford Mail and £100 from Central Television, to be handed over on Wednesday.

Ross's mother Cheryl, 39, of Redwood Close, Greater Leys, said: "It is good that there will be a permanent reminder of what happened, and we are over the moon that all the money has been raised.

"We have always put flowers on the spot where the accident happened so people don't forget. Hopefully the plaque will be a constant reminder of what happened to the people who were involved."

Mrs Doyle said the family had yet to decide what inscription to put on the plaque, which they hope will be installed this Easter.

Ross's killer remains at large, despite a £10,000 reward from Thames Valley Police to anyone whose evidence puts the driver before a court.

The Oxford Mail has been at the forefront of the campaign to catch the killers. Publishing manager Tom Mitchell said: "Ross's story has touched the hearts of everyone in Oxfordshire, and this will be a fitting memorial. The tragedy is that the culprits are still at large."

Cllr Molly Florey, chairman of the parish council, said: "It will be nice for Ross's family and friends to have somewhere to go to lay flowers, and the plaque will also serve as a reminder of what happened."