A survey suggests that most people appear to be happy living in the Vale of the White Horse and pleased with services from the district council -- although some think the authority is remote and impersonal.

The council commissioned opinion pollsters Mori to gauge views across the district. A postal survey was sent to 750 residents and just under half responded. The returns show 27 per cent are very satisfied living in the Vale while 60 per cent are fairly satisfied.

Asked what they thought of the way the council was running the area, only seven per cent replied that they were very satisfied but 59 per cent said they were fairly satisfied.

Mori has told the council that the satisfaction rating is one of the best it has seen and the Vale compares well with other local authorities.

But the findings show that the council must do more to encourage the vitality of town centres in Abingdon, Wantage and Faringdon as well as Botley centre in Oxford.

The survey shows that people would like to see improvements to public transport, with more convenient and affordable alternatives to cars to reduce congestion and pollution.

Council leader Paul Bizzell said he was encouraged by the survey. There were many positive points but there were other areas which the council needed to improve. One of the main priorities was to improve the vitality of town centres.

Ideas included the appointment of town managers, supporting key development projects, supporting shops, extending opening hours into the evening and tackling crime and disorder.

He said the council also intended to make itself more approachable to the public after some complaints that it was too remote and impersonal.

The council plans to re-organise its headquarters at Abbey House in Abingdon, with a one-stop shop at the main entrance, where there would be access to all council services.

Mr Bizzell said: "People will see a significant change in the way they are dealt with once they are here."