One of the country's highest-ranking Asian police officers, who has been tipped as a future chief constable, has appeared in court charged with corruption and fraud.

Supt Ali Dizaei, 40, of Lovell Close, Henley, who was a chief inspector with Thames Valley Police, is alleged to have committed ten offences.

The father of three, who now serves in the Metropolitan Police, is accused of misconduct in a public office and committing acts tending and intending to pervert the course of justice. These relate to alleged false reports about criminal damage to a vehicle.

Dizaei, who appeared at London's Bow Street Magistrates' Court yesterday, is also facing eight charges of furnishing false information, which relate to expenses claims. The two misconduct charges will go before the Old Bailey on February 18 and the others will go back to Bow Street the next day for committal proceedings.

Outside the court, Dizaei's solicitor, Ian Lewis, said: "These matters are going to be defended strenuously."