A teenage schoolgirl and a male friend were attacked with a hammer as they walked near Oxford city centre.

The pair were set upon by a gang of Asian youths as they walked by the underpass near the Westgate Centre last Wednesday.

The 15-year-old girl, who was wearing her school uniform, suffered injuries to her hands and head when she tried to intervene to stop the attack on her companion.

The man, aged 21, suffered severe swelling and bruising to his head and kidneys during the Castle Street assault, which took place at around 2.40pm. Another girl who had been walking with them ran for help.

The injured pair were both treated at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, but were discharged later that day. Their injuries were described as serious.

A pin hammer was later recovered.

The man seen to use the weapon was described as being around 20, of slim build and 5ft 10ins tall, clean shaven, and wearing a cream-coloured hooded Nike top, Rockport shoes, and a black baseball cap.

The rest of the gang were described as being Asian, and in their teens and early 20s.

Police only released details of the attack yesterday. Anyone who saw the assault, or has information, should call WPc Gill Cross on 01865 266333, or the anonymous Crimestoppers line on 0800 555 111.