Residents who say their lives are being made a misery by rowdy drunks have condemned Oxford City Council for allowing pub hours to be extended.

The council decided yesterday to grant a late licence to Bar Risa, in Hythe Bridge Street.

Members of the Public Entertainment and Licensing Committee decided to allow it to extend its opening hours from 11pm to 2am on Saturdays and Sundays, and gave it a public entertainment licence for 290 people.

The decision was reached despite strong opposition from politicians and residents who say anti-social behaviour is ruining their area and depriving them of sleep.

James Young, 49, of Upper Fisher Row, author of Songs They Never Play On The Radio, said: "People arrive as late as midnight, there is broken glass, vomit and urine everywhere, I've seen people taking drugs and having sex in my property."

Sohani Hayhurst, also of Upper Fisher Row, said the noise from Bar Risa had affected her relationship with her partner, in Surrey, who will no longer stay with her in Oxford because of the noise at night.

Robin Evans, area manager for the pub chain, said it would pay for CCTV to be installed both inside and outside the venue and install £65,000 worth of sound- proofing.

He added the changes would reduce queuing outside to get into the Jongleurs Comedy Club, on the first floor of the building, and the later closing time would encourage customers to leave gradually, rather than all at 11pm.

Ward councillor Colin Cook condemned the decision.

He said: "The club management have done nothing to address the existing problems of noise and disorder and I have limited confidence in their ability to put on a better show.

"I get complaints from as far away as Osney Island that people are afraid to walk into town that way because of drunks hanging around outside."

The committee also agreed to new late licences for the Bullingdon Arms and Baby, both in Cowley Road, and Genesis in Park End Street.