The problems of playing rugby at Bodicote Park at present were highlighted by Banbury's player coach Martin Hobley, whose side prop up Midland Division 1 this season.

"The campaign began badly, when we lost our main club sponsor, Alcatel, a week before the start of the season," said the former Harlequins prop.

"That cost us £20,000 at a stroke, so you could say we've had a long rolling line of off-the-field difficulties.

"Our preparation at present is very limited, as we are able to train only one day a week.

"The person who opens up the ground is prepared to make it two nights, but it's a matter of agreeing it with the trustees.

"The difficulty is running the club without a clubhouse. It's not like football, we need a home base."

Apart from the veteran Hobley, the average age of the first team is about 25, which Hobley sees as a positive factor in the current situation.

"Whatever happens, on the playing side Banbury are going to survive," he said.

"We're all local players now, and the spirit in the club is excellent despite our predicament," added Hobley in the bar of Banbury Cricket Club, which is being used for post-match entertaining.

While not accepting that relegation is a foregone conclusion, Hobley said that it would not be the end of the world if they did go down.

"The standard in Division 2 is so much lower, that I'm sure we'll come straight back up.

"In any case, having money in the bank is more important than where we finish in the league. Without money, we're nothing."