Faringdon market place is set to undergo a major improvement scheme, if councillors give the go-ahead.

On January 3, members of the Vale of White Horse District Council's executive agreed to carry out public consultation, including an exhibition about the planned improvements.

On February 6, a more detailed scheme and funding application will go to the executive, which will decide if planning recommendations to improve Faringdon can begin.

Consultants have met local organisations and interest groups and prepared a design, identifying requirements.

These include controlling parking in the market place, widening the pavements at the pick-up point and introducing a traffic priority flow scheme at the pinch point in Cornmarket.

School buses could also be moved out of the market place.

Other issues which the consultants are planning to investigate include a possible 20mph zone and the relocation of the pedestrian crossing in front of the church.

Alison Blyth, principal planning officer at the council, said: "We carried out a consultation about three years ago and the things we hope to implement stem mainly from that study.

"But we have appointed consultants and hope to stage an exhibition over the weekend of March 15, if members of the council who meet on February 6 are happy with the plans."

The Mayor of Faringdon, Dee England, said: "This is an excellent project."

However, the president of Faringdon Chamber of Commerce, Andrew Ibbotson, said: "It is a very attractive project, but I'm not holding my breath.

"About two years ago there was a public exhibition in the town hall and to start consultation again just seems like delaying tactics."