Bicester's only Labour town councillor has criticised this year's budget.

Les Sibley, who is also an Oxford county councillor, has described this year's town budget as diabolical.

He said: "I don't think the residents are getting a fair deal. There is nothing for them to look forward to this year."

At a meeting, councillors agreed to keep the town's precept the same as last year. That means people in band D properties will pay £70 for town services.

Expenditure this year is estimated at £677,530. The budget includes £12,000 for cemetery improvements, £50,000 for repair and maintenance of children's play areas and nearly £25,000 for town council events such as the Golden Jubilee party and the summer carnival.

Grants to voluntary organisations have also been increased to £43,000 from £33,500 last year.

Mr Sibley says controlling Conservative councillors have not come up with any new ideas for town projects. He would like to see money set aside for small community projects, such as increasing the number of dog bins.

He added: "I think it would get people thinking about their particular area, something that would benefit the whole community."

Councillor and town mayor Lawrie Stratford, defending the council's decision, said: "We have produced a balanced budget keeping the tax steady."