Villagers gave a great send-off to long-serving pub landlord and landlady Jim and Barbara Adams.

The couple have called time at The George in Sandford Road, Littlemore, Oxford.

They leave tomorrow and admit shedding a tear or two when a surprise party was thrown in their honour last Friday.

Mrs Adams grew up in the pub, which was originally managed by her father.

Her husband worked behind the bar for 20 years before taking over the licence in the 1970s.

The George will be run by new managers brought in by owners Morrells of Oxford.

Mrs Adams, now 72, moved to the pub with her family when she was seven.

Mr Adams, 74, worked as a carpenter at Littlemore Hospital before starting work with his wife at The George.

He said he would have liked to carry on as landlord despite his age, but rent increases last year helped to reach the decision to call it a day.

Over the years, thousands of pounds have been raised for local charities.

Mr Adams said: "It's our home and we're going to miss it. My wife grew up here so it's very hard for her.

"The customers have been wonderful. The party was a surprise to us. The pub was packed.

"We have so many good memories to take with us.

"Lots of people have grown up with us running the pub and it is sad to say goodbye, but I expect we will stay in the
