Residents in Wallingford are annoyed at plans to sell alcohol at an Esso service station near their homes.

They have sent magistrates more than 30 letters protesting at the plan, fearing increased noise and vandalism. Their protest is being backed by police and by Wallingford Town Council.

The residents in Station Road are angry that they almost missed the chance to object.

A public notice gave the impression that protests had to go to Wantage court.

But the courthouse is closed and the protest letters were sent to the Royal Mail's collection point for undelivered mail in Belfast.

One protester found out by chance that the letters should have gone to the magistrates court office in Speedwell Street, Oxford.

Wallingford's deputy mayor, Betty Atkins, said: "To make sure everything went right we delivered 32 letters in person to Speedwell Street."

People living in Station Road are against alcohol being sold at the service station.

One woman, who asked not to be named because she feared reprisals, said: "We have had a lot of vandalism in this area with drunken youths throwing eggs and other things at doors and windows. Much of it seems to be drink inflamed. Verbal abuse is the norm round here at night.

"We believe that to have alcohol on sale at the service station will make matters worse.

"I'm afraid vandalism and yobbery are facts of life in Wallingford at the moment."