Drivers who set out on cold or foggy mornings with defective lights and frozen-up windscreens face a police crackdown next month in Wantage and Faringdon.

Officers are determined to drive home the message to motorists that winter brings extra dangers to the roads.

Throughout February, they will be keeping a lookout for vehicles being driven with frozen or misted windows and defective lights.

They will also be targeting people who still drive without seatbelts, as well as the increasing number of drivers who use front foglights in clear conditions.

During the first two weeks of the month, the initiative will concentrate on advising drivers, but after that officers will enforce the law where necessary.

Insp Ian Beckett, of Wantage police, said: "This campaign is all about educating drivers to remember that winter can bring unpredictable conditions to the roads.

"Ice, fog, driving rain and snow, coupled with the long hours of darkness, present increased hazards and a greater risk of collisions.

"All it really needs is a little bit of forethought and caution on behalf of drivers to reduce this risk."