The Oxford Mail has given £250 towards the cost of a memorial plaque for nine-year-old hit-and-run victim Ross Doyle.

The money will help pay for a plaque to be set in the pavement in Pegasus Road, Blackbird Leys, Oxford, where Ross was killed by car thieves on December 13, 2000.

The Leys Residents' Association is collecting donations to provide a permanent reminder of Ross, who was knocked down by a stolen car. The culprits have not been caught, despite a £10,000 reward offered by the police.

The Mail''s cash donation, handed over yesterday, boosted the Ross Doyle Memorial Fund to more than £600. Central TV News, Blackbird Leys Parish Council and the Leys Residents' Association gave £100 each. Ross's mother, Cheryl, 39, of Redwood Close, Greater Leys, said: "We're over the moon about the response. The plaque will be a constant reminder of Ross."