A countywide scheme which could be a lifesaver for elderly people living on their own is being launched tomorrow.

The simple 'Message in a Bottle' scheme is being co-ordinated by Lions clubs, with the backing of emergency services, social services, doctors and other agencies.

Two women, Bella Pook and Joan Baron, have been helping pilot the scheme at their homes in Witney. They have put all their personal details, including medical information, on a special form which is kept inside a small green bottle in their fridges.

Emergency services called to their homes will know immediately that the women take part in the scheme through green cross stickers inside their hallways.

Mrs Baron, 70, is a retired nurse and widow of a pharmacist. She said: "I think it is an excellent idea. There are quite a lot of elderly people living alone now and it is comforting to know that if the ambulance people are called out to you they can find out about you in a matter of seconds."

Oxford West and Abingdon MP Dr Evan Harris will launch the scheme at the Oxsrad Centre in Marsh Lane, Marston. The green bottles and forms can be obtained from most local chemists and health centres.