Two Oxford United fans have been banned from all Football League matches for three years after admitting behaving "foolishly" during a match.

Stuart Bishop, 31, of Stanway Road, Headington, Oxford, and Guy Lowe, 27, of Blenheim Road, Horspath, Oxford, were arrested at United's Third Division clash at Rochdale on January 19.

The men, who are both season ticket holders, were banned by Rochdale magistrates as a result of their behaviour at Rochdale FC's Spotland Road ground.

Bishop admitted unlawfully entering a playing area during a designated football match, and Lowe admitted threatening and disorderly behaviour during the match.

The court heard that when Oxford scored their 83rd minute equaliser in the 1-1 draw, Bishop intruded on to the pitch's grassed area, and was arrested by police.

Lowe responded by telling officers to "get off my mate" and was also arrested by police, who feared further disorder.

Both men admitted they had behaved "foolishly", but Bishop insisted his action had not been intended as a pitch invasion.

In the light of the crackdown on soccer pitch invasions by fans, the magistrates decided the three-year ban, which is now the minimum in such circumstances, was appropriate.

Both men looked stunned when the sentence was announced.

They were fined £90 and ordered to pay £55 court costs.