Plans to celebrate the 850th anniversary of the signing of Wallingford's charter in 1155 are already in hand, with town councillors agreeing to start saving now.

The council is backing plans to mark the anniversary in 2005 and will put £1,500 into the kitty each year from now on to make sure that events are properly funded.

Councillors want everyone in the town to be involved in some way.

One idea is for the Wallingford Carnival in June 2005 to be combined with the celebrations in a festive weekend.

The basis will be a son et lumiere event with the remains of Wallingford Castle as the backdrop.

The ideas outlined by local historian Judy Dewey were enthusiastically taken up by the council. Mayor Theresa Jordan said: "The town council absolutely supports this initiative."

The last celebration of the Charter was 50 years ago and is remembered by people in the town.

Mrs Dewey said: "We want to bring Wallingford Castle's history alive in a way which will affect everyone.

"And we want it to be a major tourist attraction."