Families on a mobile caravan park which could be redeveloped for housing are fighting to keep their homes.

Developer Carterton Construction wants to build retirement and affordable homes on the four-acre Kings Court residential park at Carterton, which is home to 27 families. The firm says families living at the park will be given alternative accommodation in the new homes, or elsewhere in the town.

Joyce Nelson, who has lived at Kings Court for five years, said: "According to the contracts we all signed with the owner, it is a permanent site. Some of my neighbours have been here 20 or 30 years. "We are all very concerned and do not want to move. The fact we would prefer to remain where we are has, it seems, not been given any consideration either by West Oxfordshire District Council or the site owner.

"Since the plans were submitted last October to the district council we have been living in limbo and it is causing a lot of worry and stress.

"Has anyone considered the human, emotional side of what it is like to contemplate losing your home?

"This would make 27 families here homeless and necessitate rehousing by the council.

"What is even worse is that, just over the fence, there must be at least 100 former RAF quarters which have been empty for years." Carterton town councillors have expressed concern about the future welfare of the residents of Kings Court.

The planning application was deferred in March because district councillors wanted clarification from the developers about their offers to residents of the park, and the type of housing proposed.

The agent for the developers, Graham Soame, said: "Residents of the site have been catered for. Their future is paramount and their rights are fully protected whether or not planning permission is granted."

The plan is due to be considered by the district council's lowlands planning sub-committee on Monday.