A film-maker is looking for people to appear in a documentary about tenants' experiences with landlords in the Wantage area.

Gabriel Davies, 38, is making the film as part of a course on creating documentaries.

He chose to focus on landlords in and around Wantage, after his personal experience of renting a house in the town, last year.

Mr Davies, a director of an information technology company, had a dispute with his landlord over the return of his deposit cheque. Now he would like to hear from others who have experienced problems with renting properties.

He said: "We had all sorts of problems getting our deposit back.

"We eventually had to go through the courts.

"It was extremely frustrating and time-consuming. I'm sure there are plenty of other people have had similar problems."

Mr Davies, who lives in Bristol, will be filming in Wantage until June.

For more details, or to take part in the film, call Mr Davies on 07798 635 389.