A man who returned to his former home to steal goods and cash has been jailed for two years.

Kenneth Morris, 32, burgled a house in Victor Street, Jericho, Oxford, during the August Bank Holiday last year.

Rachel Drake, prosecuting, told Oxford Crown Court yesterday that the woman he had shared the house with returned from holiday to find a small hole had been smashed in a rear window, and money and electrical goods were missing.

A smear of Morris's blood left on a wall inside the house led to his arrest. Initially, he denied the burglary, but changed his plea to guilty on the day of the trial.

Morris said two acquaintances had targeted his former home, and he had entered the house to make sure no damage had been done.

In mitigation, Andrew Pote said Morris, now of Manor Road, Woodstock, was apologetic and was not a professional burglar.

But Judge Anthony King said: "I reject your account that you happened to be involved in a burglary of your friend's house, at which you had been invited to live, as wholly untruthful."