We spoke to a student, a pensioner, a single parent and another single woman to get their views on the Budget. Alexis Knox, 17, a student at Oxford College of Further Education, said she was pleased with most of the Budget, but felt there was little help for students.

She said: "I'm pleased that there was no increase on beer and wine. I think the tax disc reduction for less polluting cars is great news."

Miss Knox, of Oxford Road, Kidlington, said she was disappointed there was nothing about student grants or loans. Pensioner Bill Jupp, 71, of Arlington Drive, Old Marston, Oxford, said he would not receive any significant benefits from the Budget. He said: "In fact, I will be poorer because of inflation.

"I'm not knocking the decision to give people earning £58,000 a year extra money for their families but pensioners are not rewarded on the same level.

"I am a great believer in the welfare state. Now we are a long way behind Europe.

"A lot of pensioners here are on the poverty line and this Budget is not going to do that much to help." Single parent Kirsty Bauckham, 36, welcomed the help being given to help lone parents back into work.

Ms Bauckham, a student at Oxford Brookes University, said announcements on childcare, minimum wages and working families tax credits were a major boost.

Ms Bauckham, who lives with daughter Natalie, eight, in halls of residence in Littlemore, said: "It gives people a lot of incentive to return to work. The Government has already done a lot to help single parents, and this makes things even better." Lorrie Lawton, 32, also single, of Acacia Walk, Southwold Estate, Bicester, said she was happy with the outcome of the Budget.

Miss Lawton, an accident and emergency nurse, said: "I think this is a good Budget, especially for the health service.

"I don't mind paying more National Insurance contributions if it is going to benefit the NHS, but only if it goes where it should -- to improve health care -- and it isn't wasted on bureaucracy."

Miss Lawton was glad there was no increase in petrol prices.