Peering through pavement grilles isn't one of Oxford's most famous attractions.

But one basement-dweller in St John Street is trying to change that.

Melissa Perot, who has always been a keen gardener, has transformed the space beneath the grille at her home into an attractive little garden, complete with windowbox and hanging basket.

Even the dank stone walls have been incorporated into the design, sprouting ferns and ivy. Mrs Perot said: "It's great to hear little children in the street when they see the garden. They often can't figure out how it got down there and you can hear them say, 'Is that a mouse garden down there'?

"That's why I love it, because of the way the children think it's so magical.

"In winter, because there is nothing else blooming anywhere, people notice it even more."

Despite rarely seeing the sun, the plants have flourished in the basement. Mrs Perot said they receive plenty of light, are well protected from the wind, and receive warmth from the stone walls. She said: "They would get more sun if cars and vans didn't park in front of the grating.

"However, on Valentine's Day, a scooter parked in front of the grating. When the owner returned, she found a note which read 'We love it when you park in front of our grating'. It was signed 'The Flowers Below'.

"After that she parks there if the space is vacant."