Oxford's local government descended into farce on Wednesday when only one of ten voting councillors on the East Area Parliament turned up to a meeting on time.

The meeting had to be cancelled even though about 50 members of the public were waiting to discuss important issues, including planning applications, policing and grant requests totalling £88,181 from community groups.

The councillors' absence caused outrage and raised questions over the workings of local democracy.

There were suggestions some councillors who are not standing for re-election on May 2 had lost interest and that others were too busy canvassing to attend.

Ironically, on the agenda was a report from the council's head of modernisation about better representation and accountability of elected members; community and democracy, participation, consultation and representation; and the key role of area committees.

David Faulkner, the chairman of Emmaus Oxford, a charity which has been waiting since January for this parliament to decide its application to build a community for the homeless opposite Cowley police station, said: "Everybody was absolutely livid. It calls itself the East Area Parliament but that's a pretty grandiose title for a bunch of councillors who get elected and can't even be bothered to turn up."

He added: "Time is valuable. People who put time into projects are going to wonder if it's worth it if elected councillors don't even turn up. It's insulting and unacceptable."

The parliament is one of the city council's five area committees. It meets once a month -- this time at St Francis CofE First School in Horspath Road -- and under its constitution needs at least five of its ten voting councillors to attend to be legally able to conduct business.

Parliament chairman Cllr Elise Benjamin (Green) said she was ill and it was "more than regrettable" the meeting was ineffective.

She added: "There has been a drop-off in the attendance of some councillors recently. Some are not standing again at the election but they should still do their duty."