A former banker has taken over as the new director of a homeless shelter.

Mr Callaghan, second left, with project worker Laura Coates, deputy director Sian Pulley and member Russell Jackson

Ian Callaghan, who worked for Barclays Bank in London, is replacing Dr Lisa Brophy at The Porch Steppin' Stone Centre in Magdalen Road, east Oxford.

Dr Brophy is leaving after eight years to move to Norwich following the birth of her son. Mr Callaghan is married with four children and lives at Cumnor Hill.

He said: "I am delighted to accept the appointment of director of the Porch and I would like to thank Dr Brophy for the tremendous amount of work that she has contributed to the charity."

Mr Callaghan has experience of working with the homeless at a shelter in Surrey. He said: "I have always been interested in working for the homeless.

"There is such a need to help people to help themselves."

He plans to continue to provide a place where homeless people can learn new skills and escape the cycle of drink and drug abuse.

He said: "The shelter provides them with practical things like somewhere to do their washing and shower, but it also gives them new opportunities like learning photography, gardening or art and crafts."

The Porch is largely staffed by volunteers.