Banned drivers who flout the law by continuing to get behind the wheel have been targeted by police.

Officers singled out drivers likely to ignore their driving bans with help from tip-offs from the public.

Twenty-two banned drivers were arrested in Oxfordshire, the second highest number in the three Thames Valley Police counties. The total number arrested was 71.

Last year, a month-long blitz resulted in 87 arrests, including 17 in Oxford. In 2000, two campaigns were held, resulting in about 50 arrests each across the Thames Valley.

Insp Dave Hartin, of Thames Valley Police's roads policing unit, said: "We have had a good deal of useful information provided by members of the public.

"Combined with the intelligence-led approach adopted by the roads policing department, this enabled us to focus our attention on the criminal element we know from experience are most likely to ignore their bans and continue driving."

Home Office statistics show 72 per cent of disqualified drivers have previous convictions for drug offences, burglary, robbery, stealing cars and breaking into cars.

"A high proportion of the 71 offenders arrested fell into this category. A number of those arrested have been charged with committing other, more serious, criminal offences," Insp Hartin added.

Police say they will continue to target drivers who ignore bans.

Members of the public can stop a disqualified driver getting behind the wheel by calling the anonymous Crime- stoppers line on 0800 555111.