A new independent group involving black, Asian and Chinese community leaders will review Oxford police's handling of race-related incidents.

Oxford Independent Advisory Group will give advice on policing the city's multi-racial communities in a bid to improve trust and confidence.

The group, the first of its kind to be set up in the Thames Valley, will review allegations of racist treatment by officers, race-related incidents where the community felt let down by the police response, and day-to-day policing issues.

Chairman Mumtaz Fareed said: "We will analyse and be critical of police practices and offer advice and recommendations to the area commander to develop relations between the police and community.

"It's two-way traffic. We have to build bridges with police and learn about each other's cultures.

"It's a step forward for everyone and should be of benefit to the communities of Oxford.

"As chairman I speak to the police on a daily basis, sometimes three or four times. The communication is brilliant. If there is a major problem I speak to the area commander."

Early meetings before the group's official launch resulted in prayer mats for Muslims and Halal and Kosher food made available at Oxford police's custody suite.

The group's members will be expected to give an impartial view of incidents, and make recommendations on how they could be better handled.

Pc Derrice Alleyne, Oxford police's community and race relations officer, said the group was set up after looking at similar groups in the Leicester and Metropolitan Police areas.

She emphasised the group was independent and its members had often been critical of police in the past.

"They have been critical, but it doesn't stop there," she said.

"They are saying 'this is what we think you should do' and are giving recommendations and advice on how we can bridge that gap, build up confidence and make a difference. We are willing to listen and consult and hope the community sees that."

She said the group would give advice on a wide range of incidents.