A property with a fascinating history, situated in Broughton Poggs near Burford, is on the market.

Broughton Hall, the major part of a Grade-II listed building, is believed to date from Tudor times with later additions in 1680 and 1790.

The house was believed to be part of the divorce settlement of Anne of Cleves and the Queen's Walk still runs along the western boundary of the gardens. The seven-bedroomed property, which offers spacious accommodation over three floors, was once owned by Lord Redesedale and was frequently visited by Anthony Trollope.

The main reception rooms lead off to an impressive entrance hall which was designed by architect Francis Johnstone. Period features include open fireplaces and sash windows.

Broughton Hall is on the market at a guide price of £2m. For more information contact the Oxford office of FPD Savills.