Burglars are targeting homes in Oxford where laptop computers are visible through ground floor windows.

Oxford police say laptops are frequently left on view in cars and houses -- providing rich pickings for thieves.

A spate of burglaries has been identified in north Oxford in recent weeks where laptops have been taken.

Burglary officers are urging owners to take more care and are offering to mark computers in invisible pen which can only be read under ultraviolet light.

Det Sgt Dave Herniman, of Oxford Police's burglary team, said: "There has been a spate of these sorts of thefts, where laptops have been stolen from homes where windows have been left open, and the laptop left in view.

"A laptop on full view in an insecure house or car is a pretty tempting offer for any thief, but you can take some simple preventative meas- ures. Make sure valuables are hidden from view, particularly if you are away on holiday.

"Put up net curtains so thieves cannot peer in, and always make sure doors and windows are locked when you leave.

"It is also a case of buyer beware on the second-hand market. We would urge anyone offered a second-hand laptop at a knock-down rate to be suspicious."

Crime reduction officer Pc John Mulloy can write postcodes on laptops for free in UV pen. Call him on 01865 335175 or 335171. Police also recommend using low cost clamps and cables.

Anyone offered a second- hand laptop that could be stolen should call police on 01865 266333, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.