Cook Sylvia Fedrick has clocked up 30 years' service at Greenmere Primary School, Didcot, but has no plans to retire yet.

Dick Furniss with Sylvia Fedrick

Mrs Fedrick, 63, started as a kitchen help when two of her daughters were pupils at the school, and is now a supervisor.

Headteacher Dick Furniss presented her with flowers in recognition of her long service.

"I love the work and the children," she said.

But while the children's favourites -- including roasts and chips with sausages -- have remained the most popular meals on the menu, Mrs Fredrick said there was now a greater emphasis on healthy eating. When she started, a staff of 14 prepared and cooked meals for up to 400 children a day. Only 100 or 120 children have school meals now.

To mark her long service, Mr Furniss presented Mrs Fedrick with a bouquet of flowers at morning assembly.