Up and down the country, one sees in local papers pictures of cheques being handed to charities and good causes from all types of people and organisations.

Ian Judge (Oxford Mail, November 11) has taken exception to your picture showing members of the Old Berks Hunt Supporters handing a cheque to Helen House hospice.

Hunts all over the country have held summer events for years, giving away thousands of pounds. This is the first time I have heard of anyone complaining about it, but of course, we should expect it from Mr Judge.

I know that the Old Berks Hunt Supporters have given donations to Riding for the Disabled, motor neurone disease sufferers, cancer research and hospitals. They hold a sponsored ride and a horse show during the summer, a percentage of the proceeds going to good causes.

It would be interesting to know if any anti-hunt organisations, with all their millions of pounds, contribute. If they did, they would expect maximum publicity.


