One major plank in the Government's fight against drugs is the rehabilitation of offenders.

But the policy will succeed only if there is enough money.

The work to wean people off drugs in Oxfordshire looks like coming unstuck. With five months of the financial year still to go, the budget is almost spent.

This is the second year that similar problems have arisen.

Rehabilitation is seen as the key to breaking the cycle of addicts stealing to get money to buy drugs.

The theory is that if there are fewer buyers of drugs, dealers will lose their lucrative markets and be put out of business.z

With money running short, the fear is that, instead of offering treatment, courts will be forced to send serious offenders to jail, where drugs are available in abundance.

It may be that the courts are partly to blame - some magistrates appear to have been too enthusiastic in handing out drug treatment orders.

But the Government clearly needs to look at what is happening. Resources need to match demand.