Does Whitehall really know what it is doing?

Seven years ago, the Abingdon area was listed as a possible site for a fifth London airport.

After a spirited campaign, in which the Oxford Mail played a significant part, the Lox (London-Oxford Airport) project was axed by the Conservative Government.

Two days ago, we discovered that the scheme had been steathily put back on the agenda.

The Department of Transport had drawn up a list of 30 possible sites, without telling anyone. The closing date for comments, we were told, was November 27, just over a week away.

Everyone we spoke to yesterday was completely baffled. No-one at the county and district councils had heard a word about the scheme.

Finally, a Ministry spokesman admitted, there was no need to worry. Abingdon was not on the short list.

So much for planning and consultation.

At 11th in the list, the chances of a site in Oxfordshire being chosen were probably remote.

But it would be courteous if the Government allowed us to share its thinking.