Thames Valley Police are to rethink plans to move their headquarters to a greenfield site on the edge of Bicester.

The force planned to relocate its headquarters from Kidlington to Howes Lane, next to their M40 patrol base and maintenance workshops.

The plans were given outline planning approval, but the force was forced to rethink its proposals after Cherwell district councillors deferred making a decision over detailed plans.

The application was made by the Thames Valley Police Authority, which is responsible for supervising the work of the force. But the authority's agents wrote to Cherwell on November 20 saying the detailed application was being withdrawn.

The authority, which owns the 73-acre site, Gowell Farm, in Howes Lane, Bicester, could decide to resubmit an application.

Chief Constable Peter Neyroud said: "We are withdrawing the application and are now in sensitive talks over other sites."

The police authority, which will next discuss the issue on December 4, declined to say which other sites were being considered. Options include staying in Kidlington, although the police have permission to develop this site for housing.

County and district councillor Catherine Fulljames said: "This is a mess. Originally, the authority made their headquarters plan acceptable by including playing fields, which would have been available for local clubs.

"But the fields were dropped in favour of housing in the belief that the houses would pay for the headquarters."

Plans for 650 homes on the site were defeated in September by councillors.