Oxford's Miss England Daniella Luan was expected home this weekend after organisers called off the Miss World contest in riot-torn Nigeria.

They decided to cancel the contest after fighting broke out in the northern city of Kaduna before spreading to Abuja, the country's capital, and contest venue.

Miss Luan, a 21-year-old Oxford Brookes University student, of Oxford Road, Old Marston, had already decided to leave before organisers said last night they were moving the event to London.

Miss Luan said she was planning to book a place on the next available flight out of the country adding: "I'm scared, terrified. I don't know what's happening.

"We are stuck slap bang in the middle. The Miss World people have been asking me to stay and are very calm about it. But I've had enough."

Organisers are now planning to move the competition to London on December 7.

The bloodshed was sparked by an "offending" article published in a national newspaper last week which backed the contest. One hundred people were killed and 500 injured during three days of rioting.