I read with interest the article about the girl injured crossing Headley Way in Headington, Oxford, on her way to school (Oxford Mail, November 15).

While it is certainly lamentable that there is only one pedestrian crossing in Headley Way, the reality is that there is a crossing about 100 metres from the school entrance, at the junction of London Road.

In this case, injury could have been avoided by walking 200 metres.

It is true that this is a significant distance for the elderly or infirm. It should be nothing to a 14-year-old schoolgirl.

The problem here, surely, is either the lack of parental instruction or, more likely, peer pressure - it simply isn't 'cool' to be safe!

With the ever-increasing levels of traffic in Oxford, we need more pedestrian crossings, but equally we need to be prepared to walk a total distance of about 200 metres to use them.


Harley Road
