SIR -- I feel that the headline, Students were crude, (Oxford Mail, November 22) should have read We hate students.

The letter seemed to knock students. It started with some students at a bus stop using loud and crude language.

I would have thought that the language was no different to that heard on most building sites, factories or any place where young adults meet.

Why pick on students? It is not excusable, but it is not unique to students.

It then went on to mention the No 22 Risinghurst bus being full of students.

I understand that Oxford Brookes University subsidises the bus, presumably for its students.

If the subsidy was stopped, there is a chance the bus would struggle to continue.

Does Brookes have lots of money? Reading the Oxford Mail recently, I understand that courses and staff were to be cut, which hardly gives that impression.

My son works hard and does not upset his neighbours. But, because he is a student, he is vilified in the blanket criticism.

The Mail the same day showed sixth-form girls from Headington School helping Oxford Night Shelter.

Next year, a lot of those girls will be students -- maybe some of them at Brookes. Would they be described as crude?

