Health workers backed firefighters by donating £500 to a strike hardship fund.

Firefighters including Drew Agger, pictured with Bess the dog receive the cheque at Rewley Road fire station

The money was handed over on the picket line at Oxford's Rewley Road fire station yesterday (November 28).

Brian Nicholls, convenor for Oxford's health branch of public sector union Unison, said the cash came from the health workers' industrial action fund as a "sign of solidarity".

He said: "We consider the firefighters have a just cause.

"We know we can rely on them to support us."

The abbot of Abingdon -- the wooden figure in the middle of the Marcham Road roundabout -- has been dragged into the dispute.

A yellow FBU T-shirt was draped over him and several black letters were scrawled down his body -- but striking firemen in the town condemned the vandalism.