Oxford United kit man Ken Ridley has been named Worthington's 'Unsung Hero' for the third round of the Worthington Cup, for his commitment to the club and his work in raising money for cancer research.

He wins a VIP trip for two to the Worthington Cup final as part of his prize.

Ken Ridley, right, with Mark Clemmit of Radio Five Live

Ridley, 59, who is himself battling against liver cancer - he has nearly finished his latest course of chemotherapy - is hoping to raise more than £20,000 for UK Cancer Research through a special raffle to be held in the New Year.

He has donated his Ford Mondeo, which carries the personalised numberplate A2 OUFC, to be auctioned off. Guy Salmon at Cumnor Hill are restoring the car to showroom standard before the raffle takes place.

"I'm just trying to raise as much money as I can for UK Cancer Research," he said. "They've saved my life once and they're trying to save my life again, and I hope to raise between £20,000 and £25,000."

Ridley has worked at Oxford United for 20 years and has been the club's main kit man, travelling with the team all over the country.

"It gets me through life," he admitted. "If I've had a bad day, I try to go to work the next day and the players and management really keep my spirits high."

There will be a page devoted to Ken in all the programmes for the fourth round of the cup.